Why is it the teen moms who get all the attention? Why can't I have my own show on MTV? I'm pretty interesting, and my kids are way cuter than those kids... Anyways, we had my nephew over for the night last night. He's 14 months old and Maddie and Will loooove him. Maddie automatically acts so mature when she's around him. Willie is pretty used to being the baby so he was acting a little jealous of Baby Josiah getting all the attention. The minute we walked inside and Josiah picked up one of his toys William yelled "Bad boy baby Josiah, those are my toys!" He's not quite used to the concept of sharing yet. The night with three kids went well. We had fun playing and the kids got to sleep at a decent time, but the apartment is in shambles right now.
Me and Brian went to Portland last weekend without the kids. We had so much fun! We drove back through Seattle and watched an amazing Mariners game. When we got back home we both were a little sad to be back to the grind. I wish I even really had a grind to come back to. I need a j o b! I applied to four places this week so we'll so what happens. Freakin history degree!