Thursday, January 16, 2014

A day in the life...

The term "stay at home mom" needs to change. I like household manager, household coordinator, chief executive officer of the home-front, or something along those lines. Let me just explain what a typical day for me as a "stay at home" mom is:

7:00am- Wake up, groggy and crusty because I'm wearing yesterday's makeup since I didn't have the energy to wash it off the night before.  
7:02-Drag myself to the shower. The husband (I just refer to him now as the H word since it's easier to say and write than "My-ex-husband-current-boyfriend-kinda-fiance-future-2nd-husband") is already in the shower so I hop in with him. Not for anything sexy, more of I need to get clean and we only have one shower so let's take turns getting our hair wet and washing ourselves like me and my sisters used to do when we were 8. 
7:15- Hurry up and get dressed and brush my hair because no matter what time I wake up in the morning, William is guaranteed to wake up five minutes after and say "Mama I'm huuuuungry!!" Proceed to make the kids breakfast and get them ready for school. I try to be a good wife and make the hubby breakfast before he heads to work, but sometimes there is just no time and I think he likes his sugary marshmallow cereal better than anything I could make him.
7:30- Luke goes to work and I kiss him goodbye and continue to get the kids ready. William can take a shower by himself now but most days he insists "Mama will you give me a bath and wash me, I just like the way you do it better." While William likes to get up really early, Maddie has the opposite problem. I think she's secretly a teenager. That girl loves to sleep in, and on some days I have to fake an earthquake to get her out of bed. Once they are fed, bathed, and dressed I proceed to try to make myself appear somewhat presentable.  
8:30- We leave the house after making sure we all have our backpacks, lunches, homework, etc, and head to school. I volunteer 3 days a week in William's classroom so I head in and start organizing the kindergartner's reading homework and giving them new books to read. Then I get to read one-on-one with the 5-year-olds. It's about the cutest thing ever. 
11:30- Leave the school and head to the gym. Get my fitness on in the middle of the day with all the senior citizens and fellow stay at home moms. Watch Family Feud on the little screens on the elliptical and shout out the answers. 
1:00- Get home from the gym. Usually I'm starving. Eat a ravenous lunch and if the hubby came home from work for lunch that day make him a gourmet meal. 
1:45- Look up what orders I need to ship on my Amazon account (to make a little extra money I sell random stuff on Amazon). Package an order or two and head to the post office and mail items. 
2:45- This is admittedly, my lazy mom time. Sometimes I do the dishes or laundry or clean the kids' room, but more often than not I'll pop in a Friends DVD and watch Ross, Rachel, Chandler, Monica, Joey and Phoebe and laugh at whatever antics they're up to that day. 
3:30- Head to the bus stop to meet the kids. Bring them home, make them a snack, and start helping them with their homework. Their homework usually takes them longer than it should, because they are easily distracted. Some days I just want to fill in all the answers on their math homework with my left hand and pretend they did it to get it over with, but I refrain. When they get done I just snuggle with them or we play Mario or Lalaloopsy.
5:00- Start making dinner. Something gourmet and nutritious obviously. 
5:30- Luke gets home and we eat a family dinner.
6:00- Relax... sometimes. On some weeknights the kids have gymnastics or there is some meeting to go to. Sometimes I clean in the evenings, sometimes I watch more Friends.
8:00-Start putting the kids to bed.
9:00-Kids actually go to bed.
9:01- Luke and I have some quality time with each other.
9:02- We're asleep....

Hahaha, so this isn't exactly accurate for everyday. Some days are crazier than others, and some are really chill. I love my job. It is, without a doubt, the best one I have ever had.  Maddie and Will were asking about Daddy's coworkers for some reason and then William said "You don't have any coworkers Mama. You did a looooooooong time ago when you worked at that school." (yeah buddy six months ago qualifies as a looooooooong time ago) Maddie said "Yeah she does! We are her coworkers!" And I have to say, I do
have the cutest little coworkers ever :-) 

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