I would love for my blog to have thousands of readers and to be able to make money off of it but I know that's probably not in the cards for me. For one, I don't have the time or desire to market it and secondly there's nothing too special about what I write. Don't get me wrong, I'm not being Debbie-downer and saying my blog and life are boring. I love my life and the tiny snippets of it that I share through writing, but most successful blogs have a major underlying theme.
I've put some thought into what my "theme" could be if I wanted to try to be a mass market blogger. I've thought about doing a mommy fitness blog. I do enjoy working out and eating healthy but it's not my whole life. It's a small part of what I do in my day to day life and I am by no means a fitness fanatic. And I like cookies too much. There's also different types of parenting blogs where people chronicle their experiences with different parenting styles such as attachment parenting, parenting special needs children, or permissive parenting (I'm not like a regular mom, I'm a cool mom!) I've never really associated myself with any particular parenting style. I've never read a parenting book in my life and pretty much just do what comes naturally. Then there's blogs that focus on one particular part of being a parent such as breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is definitely something very important that I've been able to share with all three of my children. I could write a blog or two about it but I feel like I would run out of material and get repetitive. Also I've breastfed my kids for a year each and then they self weaned, so I'm not the kind of mom to passionately post about extended breastfeeding or post selfies of myself breastfeeding a kindergartner.
When it comes down to it, I just see myself as a normal/regular/boring stay at home mom and wife. But the more I think about it the more I realize that it's only normal because it's my normal. I'm in this life 24/7 so of course it's normal to me. Just because my life is routine and not wild doesn't mean it's boring. I don't have to define myself as only one thing; I don't have to fit inside a one-size-fits-all box. Every person is different. How boring would it be if we were all the same? So I will continue to write a little bit about fitness, parenting my children in whatever way I see fit, breastfeeding, traveling, and whatever else comes up in my stay at home mom journey! I am normal! I'm a normal educated-breastfeeding-babywearing-strollerpushing-fitnessenthusiast-disposablediaperer-notorganicfeeding-traveling (and thousands of other things) mom and wife!
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