Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mothers Day!

This has been my best mothers day ever! Maddie, William and I have been celebrating all weekend. On Thursday Maddie's preschool had a cute little tea party for the moms and grandmas and me and my mom went. Maddie made me cute paper flowers and a vase, and a cute little plaque with her hand print. Her teacher brought potting flowers and soil and every mother and daughter got to make a little fairy garden together. When we got home Maddie said, "Momma I want it to be mothers day everyday!" Sounds good to me.
On Friday I hung out with the kids and took them to the mall. I reeeeaaallly needed a pedicure so I intended on dropping William off at the daycare and taking Maddie with me to get her toes painted, but Willie was so cranky and did not want to let go of me. So instead I dropped Maddie off and Willie went with me and sat somewhat still on my lap as I got my gross feet taken care of. When we got home that evening my mom came over and took the kids shopping and came home with flowers, candles and a card for me. I told her she should wait to give them to me until Sunday but she said, "Mom, everyday is mothers day!" The funniest thing about the card was it was the same exact card as she got me last year. When you open it, it plays a little romantic fanfare song and the kids always play with the one from last year and the batteries are almost dead, so they got another one to play with just in time.
Saturday me and Maddie and my sisters went to Silverwood! It was the first day open all year and we had fun even though it was a little cold. Maddie is big enough to do the big roller coasters and she loved them. I love my brave little woman. This morning Maddie woke me up with a brand new green ipod nano. omg, I am so spoiled. Brian got it for me. So sweet of him to give that to me on mothers day, because I am the mother of his girlfriends kids. We had a fun day. We went to lunch a Ihop and the went and played at Manito Park. My mom had to work all day so we surprised her and stopped in and gave her a card.

The kids on Easter

I am so amazingly lucky to have such wonderful children and a great boyfriend. I need to get up and do some dishes and fold laundry or something...

Sunday, April 17, 2011

20 something Mom

Why is it the teen moms who get all the attention? Why can't I have my own show on MTV? I'm pretty interesting, and my kids are way cuter than those kids... Anyways, we had my nephew over for the night last night. He's 14 months old and Maddie and Will loooove him. Maddie automatically acts so mature when she's around him. Willie is pretty used to being the baby so he was acting a little jealous of Baby Josiah getting all the attention. The minute we walked inside and Josiah picked up one of his toys William yelled "Bad boy baby Josiah, those are my toys!" He's not quite used to the concept of sharing yet. The night with three kids went well. We had fun playing and the kids got to sleep at a decent time, but the apartment is in shambles right now.

Me and Brian went to Portland last weekend without the kids. We had so much fun! We drove back through Seattle and watched an amazing Mariners game. When we got back home we both were a little sad to be back to the grind. I wish I even really had a grind to come back to. I need a j o b! I applied to four places this week so we'll so what happens. Freakin history degree!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

No life...

Wow this is gonna be an exciting post. I seriously have no life these days. All I'm doing is looking for a job and hanging out with my family. I have hardly any motivation to even look for a job. It's depressing. I hate this economy. A friend and I both recently graduated and we were just talking about how ridiculous it is that we can't even get a job as a bank teller. At the bank they said they received over 100 applications for 1 teller position. So they gave the job to some lady with ten years of experience. How am I supposed to have ten years of experience when I'm only 23? Woof I don't even wanna be a bank teller.

On a happier note, here's my son with a corndog. The other day i was like, "William I love you so much!" and he was like, "Mama, I love torndogs so much!"

Sunday, March 27, 2011

I choose my choice!

 I was trying to write a blog entry and it started to sound like a research paper on the history of sex ed. Let me restart. I am mad. I’m mad when people look down or question the choices I made. I, along with the majority of teenagers today decided to have sex before I was married. I got pregnant; I decided to have my child. I am not a tragedy. My beautiful children are not mistakes. They are the most amazing things I have done so far in this life. Yes I missed out on some opportunities. I never got to live in a dorm. I never got to travel to Peru. I attended college near my hometown instead of the coolest city du jour. I am 6 weeks away from graduating with my bachelor’s degree. I live in a nice apartment. I have happy, healthy and intelligent children. There is not one type of life people need to have to be happy or successful. There is not one order of way to do things in life. Life is not an episode of Dora the Explorer with a map set out in front of us and only 3 places to go and only one way to get to the ultimate destination.

(C) February 5, 2011

hmmm what next???

Graduating college was the lamest thing ever for me. I've spent my entire adult life building up to this accomplishment, and now that I am all done it feels so surreal. I graduated in March so didn't walk at graduation yet. (still not sure if I will). I left my last day of class thinking, "This is it?" In many ways I had been building  up to that day for my entire life. I though back to my first day of kindergarten where my parents dressed me in the cutest styles of 1993 and took pictures of me on the front porch with my Little Mermaid lunchbox and pink backpack. Thankfully no cameras were there to witness my last day of 17+ years of schooling. I was wearing sweats and hadn't showered yet.
So now what am I supposed to do? I have my children to keep me busy half the time. When I am with them i can't imagine getting much done besides taking care of their every need from wiping their snot noses to laughing hysterically at knock knock jokes. Mad props to any single mother who works full time and raises her kids. I don't know how I would manage. I've applied for a few random jobs, and had one awful interview. For now I guess I'll continue doing what I'm doing and be a part time stay at home mom to my beautiful babies and a full time girlfriend to my amazing boyfriend. eh... could be worse right?